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State:  Vermont
County:  All counties
Industry: Elementary and Secondary Schools (naics 611110)
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in furnishing academic courses and associated course work that comprise a basic preparatory education. A basic preparatory education ordinarily constitutes kindergarten through 12th grade. This industry includes school boards and school districts.
608 employers found

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sorted descendingEmployer Name  Address  City  State Employees

 Elizabeth Taylor Hatton School    Meade Hill Rd    Morgan    VT 5-9
 Edmunds Middle School    Main St    Burlington    VT 50-99
 Edmunds Elementary School    Main St    Burlington    VT 20-49
 Eden Central School    Knowles Flat Rd    Eden    VT 20-49
 Eddy Farm Sch For Horse & RDR    S Street Ext    Middlebury    VT 1-4
 East Valley Acad    Route 14 S    East Randolph    VT 10-19
 East Montpelier Elementary    Vincent Flats Rd    East Montpelier    VT 50-99
 East Burke School    Vt Route 114    East Burke    VT 5-9
 Dummerston School    School House Rd    East Dummerston    VT 20-49
 Dover Elementary School    Schoolhouse Rd    East Dover    VT 20-49
 Doty Memorial School    Calais Rd    Worcester    VT 20-49
 Dothan Brook School    Christian St    White River Jct    VT 50-99
 Dorset Elementary School    School Dr    Dorset    VT 20-49
 Derby School District Town    Elm St    Derby Line    VT 10-19
 Derby Elementary School    Elm St    Derby Line    VT 100-249
 Danville High School    Peacham Rd    Danville    VT 50-99
 Cvu Redhawks Football    Cvu Rd    Hinesburg    VT 20-49
 Cvu High School    Cvu Rd    Hinesburg    VT 20-49
 Currier Memorial School    N Main St    Danby    VT 20-49
 Crosset Brook Middle School    Vt Route 100    Waterbury    VT 50-99
 Croft Shader School    Perrotta Pl    Burlington    VT 20-49
 Craftsbury Town School Dist    N Craftsbury Rd    Craftsbury Cmn    VT 20-49
 Craftsbury Academy    N Craftsbury Rd    Craftsbury Cmn    VT 20-49
 CP Smith Elementary School    Ethan Allen Pkwy    Burlington    VT 50-99
 Coventry Village School    US Route 5    Coventry    VT 20-49
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